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국내외 ABS 정보 자료실 기타 참고자료
  • 등록일2018-07-24
  • 작성자김윤정
  • 조회수1979
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[참고자료] 스위스 유전자원 접근 및 이익공유 계약서(비상업적 목적) 2016년판
대륙 대륙 유럽 국가 국가 스위스
태그 태그
Agreement: Clauses and Options


Parties to the Agreement  
Clause 1 Use of Terms in the Agreement 
Clause 2 Prior Informed Consent 
Clause 3 Genetic Resources to be accessed 
Clause 4 Utilization 
Clause 5 Commercial Intent  
Clause 6 Commercialization  
Clause 7 Intellectual Property Rights  
Clause 8 Transfer of Genetic Resources [and Associated Traditional Knowledge]to Third Parties  
Clause 9 Storage of Genetic Resources 
Clause 10 Benefit-sharing 
Clause 11 Rights and Obligations of the Provider 
Clause 12 Rights and Obligations of the User 
Clause 13 Reporting 
Clause 14 Publication 
Clause 15 Duration and Termination of the Agreement 
Clause 16 Handling of the Genetic Resources after Termination of the Agreement 
Clause 17 Settlement of Disputes 
Clause 18 Other provisions 
첨부파일 첨부파일 pdf 다운 1 : Swiss Model Clause (2016).pdf [7710647 byte]
