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Integrated Reporting Service Guide Report access

How to report access to Korean genetic resources

For use by foreign nationals, overseas Koreans, foreign institutions and international organizations seeking access to Korean genetic resources.

  • 신고서작성

    Fill in form
    (Pay a fee)
  • 접수

    Submit form
  • 서류심사

    Review by CNA
    (Request to modify if needed)
  • 수리여부 심사

    Decision to accept or reject
    (with explanation in case of rejection)
  • 결정

    Report accepted
  • 신고증명서 발급

    Certificate issued

To report, you need

  • A document verifying the reporting person’s identity or affiliation (only if unverifiable through administrative records)
  • A copy of mutually agreed terms (if concluded)

Payment of fees

Any person intending to report access to Korean genetic resources shall pay a fee (KRW 10,000) in accordance with Article 22 of the Act on Access to and Utilization of Genetic Resources and Benefit-Sharing, and Article 6 of the Enforcement Rule thereof. You can pay using electronic revenue stamps issued by the Ministry of Strategy and Finance. To pay, please visit the website for electronic revenue stamps (www.edoc-revenuestamp.or.kr). After purchasing a stamp, please attach the scanned receipt or screen-captured payment certificate (PDF format).

Payment of fee

  • (Online) the official website of Electronic Revenue Stamps (www.edoc-revenuestamp.or.kr)
    • Non-member service or Sign-in (via Accredited Certificate, I-Pin) on the website
    • Payment methods
      • Account transfer (KB Bank, Shinhan Bank, etc)
      • Credit cards (BC Card, Samsung Card, etc)
    • Click the “Administrative fee(행정수수료)” button after you select “Electronic revenue stamp for paper documents”
      • It is recommended that the applicants from overseas get help from partner organization in Korea to buy electronic revenue stamp.
  • (Offline) Banks and post offices in Korea.
    • Cash payment by presenting your ID card.
  • Any helps in paying the fee? gric@korea.kr

Form for Reporting Access to Korean Genetic Resources

Competent National Authorities

Ministry of Environment Go to Report access to Korean genetic resources

환경부 담당자 현황 안내표입니다.
Name of institution Division Person in charge Contact information
Ministry of Environment Biodiversity Division Lee, Ye Seul +82-44-201-7241
National Institute of Biological Resources Genetic Resources Information Center Junghwa An +82-32-590-7266

Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Go to Report access to Korean genetic resources

농림축산식품부 담당자 현황 안내표입니다.
Name of institution Division Person in charge Contact information
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Seed & Bio Industry Division Han, Byeoung Yun +82-44-201-2475
Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency Research Planning Division Hwang, Ji-Hyeon +82-54-912-0717
Korea Forest Service Forest Environment Conservation Division Park, Noh Jin 82-42-481-8807
Rural Development Administration R&D Coordination Division Kim Jeong-Seon +82-63-238-0753

Ministry of Health and Welfare Go to Report access to Korean genetic resources

보건복지부 담당자 현황 안내표입니다.
Name of institution Division Person in charge Contact information
Ministry of Health and Welfare Division of Bioethics Policy Kim, Gwonha +82-44-202-2612
Korea Disease Control & Prevention Agency Pathogen Resource Management Ha Rim Lee +82-43-913-4252

Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries Go to Report access to Korean genetic resources

해양수산부 담당자 현황 안내표입니다.
Name of institution Division Person in charge Contact information
Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries Marine and Fisheries Bio-resources Division Park, Nohback +82-44-200-5676
National Institute of Fisheries Science Biotechnology Research Division Noh, Eun Soo +82-51-720-2453
Marine Biodiversity institute of Korea National Marine Bio-Resources and Information Center Hwang, Min Koon +82-41-950-0763

Ministry of Science and ICT Go to Report access to Korean genetic resources

책임기관별 담당자 현황 안내표입니다.
Name of institution Division Person in charge Contact information
Ministry of Science and ICT Advanced Biotechnology Division Jang, Seokgi +82-44-202-6183
Korea Research Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology ABS Research Support Center Chang , Young-Hyo +82-42-860-4626