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Simulation of Online Reporting Process Report procedural compliance for
foreign genetic resources

It is the simulation page for practice and learning how to report online.
You can experience the same reporting process through the filled text fields.

모바일에서는 지원되지 않는 서비스입니다.
PC환경에서 본 서비스를 이용해주세요.

Selection of National Checkpoints

점임기관 선택 테이블입니다. 과학기술정보통신부, 농림축산식품부, 보건복지부, 환경부, 해양수산부의 기관중 선택하여 다음단계로 이동할 수 있습니다.
Biological resources in the field of wildlife pursuant to the Wildlife Protection and Management Act, and biological resources pursuant to the Act on the Conservation and Use of Biological Diversity Law Search
In accordance with Act on the Preservation, Management and Use of Agro-Fishery Bioresources: Agricultural bio-resource, Forest Genetic Resource, Microbial Pathogen Resource Law Search
Biological research resources in accordance with the Act on the Acquisition, Management, and Utilization of Biological Research Resources Law Search
Pathogen resources pursuant to the Act on the Promotion of Collection, Management and Utilization of Pathogen Resources Law Search
In accordance with Act on Securing, Management, Use, etc. of Marine and Fisheries Bio-Resources: Fisheries bio-resources, Marine bio-resources Law Search
Biological research resources pursuant to the Act on the Acquisition, Management, and Utilization of Biological Research Resources Law Search


신고인 입력 테이블입니다.
Please select the appropriate field.
Name Company Representative
Please enter a name (If you are individual), or name of the corporate representative
Affiliation Company Name
Please enter an affiliation (If you are individual) or the corporate name
Date of birth Business registration number
Please enter a date of birth (If you are individual) or Corporate registration number
Phone number
please select a country code and enter contact information
Address (place of business)
Floor / unit number

Consent to sharing administrative records

Matters to be verified by the National Checkpoint

  • Business registration certificates (if applicable)
  • Resident (alien) registration certificate or passport, nationality certificate, registration of Korean nationals residing abroad or certificates registered in their own countries (for individuals)

Consent to sharing administrative records

  • I hereby agree that officers in charge of reporting may verify the matters above with the head of the relative National Checkpoints through the sharing of administrative records pursuant to Article 36 (1) of the Electronic Government Act.
  • ※ If the reporting person does not consent to the above, the person must submit the relevant document(s) directly



Consent to disclosure of information

  • The purpose of this consent to disclosure of information is the implementation of Article 14 of the Nagoya Protocol through the sharing of information between government agencies in relation to the reporting process.
  • Please check the boxes below to indicate whether you agree or do not agree to the sharing of each of the following items between government agencies for the implementation of the Act on Genetic Resources (No.14533, January 17 2017)
정보공개에 관한 안내 및 동의서
Category Reporting person/Applicant Provider of Genetic Resources
Identification number
Contact information
Name of genetic resource
Quantity or Concentration
Purpose of access
Apr 19 2024



Provider of Genetic Resources

신고인 입력 테이블입니다.
Select the appropriate field.
Name Company Representative
Please enter a name (If the provider is individual), or name of the corporate representative
Affiliation Company Name
Please enter an affiliation (If the provider is individual) or the corporate name
Country Phone number
please select a country code and enter contact information
Address (place of business)
Floor / unit number

Prior informed consent

신고인 입력 테이블입니다.
The Country granting the Prior Informed Consent
Select the country granting the PIC
Institution granting Prior Informed Consent
Enter the institution grating the PIC
Consent number
Enter number of registration
Date of consent
Enter date of registration

Document demonstrating that the reporting person has been approved by the provider country for access to genetic resources

* Please submit the file in the PDF or JPG file.

Access and utilization

  • In the section “Name of genetic resource,” please state the name of the genetic resource along with the scientific and common names of the relevant species. If no name exists for a certain genetic resource, please state only the scientific and common names of the species.
  • In the section “Quantity or concentration,” please state the quantity or concentration of the genetic resource you wish to access. If you wish to access traditional knowledge, check the box “Traditional knowledge.”
  • Multiple boxes may be checked in the sections “Methods of access,” “Purpose of access,” “Purpose of utilization,” “Countries seeking to utilize relevant resources,” “Method of utilization” and “Content of Mutually Agreed Terms.”
  • If the relevant genetic resource is accessed through a third party (i.e., a procurement agent or entity other than the provider), information about the third party should be entered in the section “Methods of access.” If the third party is a company, please state the name of the company and the name of its representative.
  • In the section “Method of utilization,” briefly describe the technology applied to the resource, including biological engineering technology.dn
신고인 입력 테이블입니다.
Name of the genetic resources
Please enter name of the genetic resource(s) (common name and scientific name)
/ /
Quantity or concentration
Please enter quantity or concentration and tick the “Traditional Knowledge” box (if applicable)
Purpose of access
Please select the appropriate field
Purpose of utilization
Please tick the appropriate boxes (multiple check boxes available) or where relevant, specify your answer

Access and utilization

신고인 입력 테이블입니다.
Have Mutually Agreed Terms been concluded?
If not, reasons for Not Concluding


I hereby submit this Procedural Compliance Report on Foreign Genetic Resources pursuant to Article 15(1) of the Act on Access to and Utilization of Genetic Resources and Benefit-Sharing, Article 6 of the Enforcement Decree thereof, and Article 5 of the Enforcement Rules thereof.

Apr 19 2024



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